Lawlessness in America

Good Morning my amazing daughter.

I am so frustrated by all the lawlessness I’ve witnessed here in our country. I told you last year that I believed the most important thing kids needed to learn was the law, their rights protected by the Constitutution and to study independently. Question everything. Don’t blindly believe teachers, doctors or anyone. Do your own research. Everything I taught you has proven true.

I wanted to let you know today that though I am on an emotional roller coaster at times because I miss you so much and cannot comprehend what your dad paid so many people to do to you, I am supported by many parents across the country who have also had their children stolen and who are fighting back to hold every criminal accountable.

I can name at least 36 people who participated in your kidnapping. The only explanation is that they were all paid off. The National Domestic Violence Hotline Center told me last December 2021, “dad paid the whole county off”. It was shocking that they told me that. You are not too young to hear this. The medical community and the education system have waged war on moms and dads. And they are fighting back all across the country. These are unbelievable times.

It took me a year to recover from the traumatic condition your dad left me with when he came to our home, driving from three counties away to physically attack us. I was smothered, couldn’t breathe and learned from the Institute on Strangulation Prevention that this is a very serious injury.

The Santa Cruz Police Department has proven themselves to be a rogue agency. Their actions to conceal their wrong doing has highlighted the need for a thorough purging of the department. I’ve read the multiple police reports which are full of officer misconduct, blatant lies, untruths, and intentional fabrication of false information and misrepresentation of facts in an attempt to paint a false narrative of me. Their lies about me won’t work. Boomerang, they have only demonstrated to the public that these cops are untrustworthy and should be held accountable to the full extent of the law.

I’ve been studying how to write State Bar Complaints on all the attorneys involved in your kidnapping and how to write a complaint on the Judge and Commissioners who have violate our civil rights. This morning the Group on The Commission for Judicial Excellence posted some documents for parents to use as templates. I was so excited because one of the documents is one I already found on my own and have been using. So I know I am on the right track and received confirmation of that.

I can only hope you are doing as well as can be expected. Believe you me, I am going after that fraud Rebecca Bailey with the vengeance that only God can bring, with me as His tool. She is a criminal. She has been protected by all the fake agencies using tax payer money to conceal her crimes against humanity and they are not going to get away with it.

Please don’t believe her lies. I have spoken to three people who know Rebecca’s tactics. Two are working in the system to hold her accountable and the third is a victim. I was told Rebecca will be threatening to send you to a wilderness camp if you ask to see me or she will tell you that I will be put in jail. She can go to hell where she belongs. Such cruelty so many children have suffered because of her and that is coming to an end. Perhaps God put me here because I will do just that. I am not just crying everyday feeling powerless. I will find a way. David took Goliath down with a pebble.

As you might imagine, some days are good and some days are bad . I keep breathing and I keep pressing on. I will post the names of every criminal and what they did here on my website. Those people should bear the shame of their false witness, their lies, their cruelty.

Parents have protected rights under the Constitution of the United States to say whatever they want to their children. The medical system and mental health systems have been weaponized against the people. Theses systems are imploding by the weight of their own corruption even as I type this

We will be going back to a world where the family unit is central. For decades it was destroyed by television lies, music, propaganda and schools. I am a matriarch. My experience, knowledge and skills will lead many into the future. I know that for certain. I didn’t ask for this role. Believe me, I always wanted someone to care for me and to protect me, but that is not how things have worked out.

I’ve done a good job in caring for myself in the aftermath and are protected by God. Many women are praying for us I am so grateful for all of them. People from across the country call and check on me and support me through these trying times. It’s so amazing. For them, I know that once all the criminals are put down, when the blinders are taken off a controlled population, what remains, will live in a much better world. One where we are all free. Truly free.

Lots of Love, Mom

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